[1] Bouët A., Fontagné L., Jean S. (2005), Is erosion of preferences a serious concern? , in Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda, edited by K. Anderson and W. Martin, forthcoming.
[2] Bouët A., Decreux Y., Fontagné L., Jean S., Laborde D. (2004), A consistent, ad-valorem equivalent measure of applied protection across the world: The MAcMap-HS6 database , CEPII Working Paper, 2004-22.
[3] The contrasting fortunes of developing countries in the Doha Round , The World Economy, forthcoming.
[4] Bchir M. H., Fontagné L., Jean S. (2005), From Bound Duties to Actual Protection: Industrial Liberalisation in the Doha Round? , CEPII Working Paper, forthcoming.
[5] Candau F., Jean S. (2005) Are EU Trade Preferences Under-Utilised ? , Paper presented at the World Bank-WTO conference on Preferences Utilisation, Geneva, June.
[6] Jean S. and Laborde D. (2004), European Regions Faced with the Doha Round: A CGE Assessment , CEPII Working Paper, 2004-20.
[7] Fontagné L., von Kirchbach F., Mimouni M. (2005), An Assessment of Environmentally-Related Non-Tariff Measures, The World Economy, forthcoming.
[8] Fontagné L., Mayer T., Zignago S. (2005) Trade in the Triad: How Easy is the Access to Large Markets? , Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming,
A. 2002
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Bchir M. H., Bouët A., Decreux Y., Fontagné L., Guérin J.-L., Jean S., Mimouni M., Pichot X. (2002), Les conséquences d'un accord de libre-échange entre l'Union européenne et le Mercosur , Report for the Directorate for External Economic Relationships (DREE) and for the Forecasting Directorate (DP), Ministry of Finance, Paris, February.
Bchir M. H., Bouët A., Decreux Y., Fontagné L., Guérin J.-L., Jean S., Mimouni M., Pichot X. (2002), Les conséquences économiques d'un accord transatlantique de libre-échange , Report for the Directorate for External Economic Relationships (DREE) and for the Forecasting Directorate (DP), Ministry of Finance, Paris, February.
Bchir M. H., Bouët A., Decreux Y., Fontagné L., Guérin J.-L., Jean S., Mimouni M., Pichot X. (2002), Les conséquences économiques d'un accord de libre-échange entre l'Union européenne et les pays membres du programme Euromed , Report for the Directorate for External Economic Relationships (DREE) and for the Forecasting Directorate (DP), Ministry of Finance, Paris, February.
Bchir M. H., Decreux Y., Guérin J.-L. and Jean S. (2002), Mirage, A General Equilibrium Model for Trade Policy Analysis , CEPII Working Paper, 2002-17.
Bchir M. H., Decreux Y., Guérin J.-L., Jean S. (2002), MIRAGE -A Model for Trade Policy Analysis , CEPII Newsletter, 2nd Semester.
Bchir M. H., Decreux Y., Guérin J.-L., Jean S. (2002), Mirage, un modèle d'équilibre général calculable pour l'évaluation des politiques commerciales , Économie Internationale, n° 89-90.
Bouët A., Fontagné L., Mimouni M. and Pichot X. (2001) MAcMaps : a bilateral and disaggregated measure of market access , CEPII Working Paper, 2001-18.
Bouët A., Fontagné L., Mimouni M. and Pichot X. (2002) MAcMaps : une mesure bilatérale et désagrégée de l'accès au marché , Économie Internationale, n° 89-90.
Bouët A., Fontagné L., Mimouni M. and von Kirchbach F. (2002), MAcMaps for GTAP 5: A Bilateral and Disaggregated Measure of Trade Obstacles in GTAP, paper presented at the 5th GEA Conference, Taipei, June.
Fontagné L., Guérin J.-L. and Jean S. (2002), Accès au marché : quels objectifs après Doha ? , La Lettre du Cepii, No. 211, April.
Fontagné L., Guérin J.-L. and Jean S. (2002), Multilateral Trade Liberalization: Scenarios for the New Round and Assessment , CEPII Working Paper, 2003-12.
Fouquin M., Morand P., Avisse R., Minvielle G. and Dumont P. (2002), Mondialisation et régionalisation: le cas des industries du textile de l'habillement , CEPII Working Paper, 2002-08.