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Bchir M. H., Fontagné L. and Jean S. (2003), Market access in non-agricultural goods: What is at stake in the Development Round ? , paper prepared for the Empirical Trade Policy Conference, Washington, September 2003.
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C. 2004
Bchir M. H., Fontagné L. and Jean S. (2003), Market access in non-agricultural goods: What is at stake in the Development Round? , Presented at the 7th Global Economic Conference, Washington D.C., 17-19 June 2004.
Bouët A. and Laborde D. (2004), Key issues for WTO members, coalitions formation and negotiations space for multilateral agreements , Report for the DG Trade, European Commission, April.
Bouët A. and Laborde D. (2004), National interests, coalitions and rules of decision in multilateral trade negotiations , CEPII Working Paper, forthcoming.
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Decreux Y., Guérin J.-L. and Jean S. (2004), Trade and the Labor Market: What Can We Learn from CGE Models ?, Integration and Trade.
Bouët A., Bureau J.-C., Decreux Y. and Jean S. (2004), Multilateral agricultural trade liberalization: The contrasting fortunes of developing countries in the Doha Round , CEPII Working Paper, 2004-18.
Jean S. and Laborde D. (2004), European Regions Faced with the Doha Round: A CGE Assessment , CEPII Working Paper, 2004-20.
Bouët A., Decreux Y., Fontagné L., Jean S., Laborde D. (2004), A consistent, ad-valorem equivalent measure of applied protection across the world: The MAcMap-HS6 database , CEPII Working Paper, 2004-22, available at http://www.cepii.fr/anglaisgraph/bdd/macmap.htm.
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Bureau J.-C., Gozlan E. and Jean S. (2004), La libéralisation du commerce agricole et les pays en développement , paper presented at IFRI's Conference Les politiques agricoles sont-elles condamnées par la mondialisation ?, 7 October 2004, Paris.
Bouët A., Bureau J.-C., Decreux Y. and Jean S. (2004), La libéralisation agricole : des effets ambigus sur les pays en développement , La lettre du Cepii, No. 236, July-August 2004. Also published in Bensidoun I. and Chevallier A. (eds.), L'économie mondiale 2005, La découverte.
Jean S. (2004), Les enjeux d'une libéralisation commerciale multilatérale , Ecoflash 188, May 2004.
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