International short program on the organization of parliamentary work

Session from Monday June 10 to Friday June 21, 2024

From Monday June 10 to Friday June 21, 2024, the 29th edition of the Francophone International Short Program (PIC) on the organization of parliamentary work was held, organized by the Senate and the National Assembly, in partnership with the Institut National du Service Public (INSP). The program is financially supported by the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

25 auditors from 13 countries (Albania, Benin, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Lebanon, Morocco and Romania) came together in Paris to take part in this training course run by officials from the Senate and the National Assembly, on the following theme : the law's journey, from drafting to evaluation.

No less than 30 training sessions were organized over the two-week period, covering topics such as bicameralism, agenda-setting, the examination of texts by Committees, the place and modalities of parliamentary initiative, examination in public session and the shuttle, the evaluation of finance laws and the valorization of Parliament's work. Other topics, which are no less important for Parliament, were also addressed, such as professional ethics and the place of women in Parliament.

To enable listeners to understand the role of senators in the French institutional system, a meeting was organized with Mrs. Élisabeth DOINEAU, General Rapporteur of the Social Affairs Committee, who, after presenting her background, spoke about her role as General Rapporteur and the terms and conditions of her mandate.

Two "off-site" sessions were also organized at the Conseil d'État and the Conseil Constitutionnel. The auditors also met with a representative of the General Secretariat of the Government. These meetings enabled them to familiarize themselves with all the players involved in the legislative process.

The training also had a very practical objective. About ten hours of thematic workshops were organized and led by officials from the Senate and the National Assembly. Divided into groups, participants were able to work on the drafting of bills and amendments, written and oral questions and topical questions to the government, as well as the place of women within the various parliamentary systems. These workshops provided an opportunity for participants to exchange views on their respective working methods and identify best practices. Each group presented its conclusions at the closing session. 

Lastly, participants took part in a simulation of a public session at the Senate, examining a draft resolution under Article 34-1 of the Constitution, on the themes of regulating social networks and banning pesticides in agriculture. This simulation gave them the opportunity to take on the role of parliamentarians.

At the core of the Senate's interparliamentary cooperation strategy, the 29th edition of the PIC concluded with an afternoon at the INSP, devoted to the restitution of the auditors' work, as well as the presentation of training certificates and medals from the Senate and the National Assembly.

Matthieu LEBOURGEOIS – Phone: – Email:
Charlotte FAYE - Phone: - Email: